I’m New! How do I become a member?
We are delighted that you decided to visit our website and learn about what God is doing at Inter-City Baptist Church. We have a variety of programs for children, teens, and adults. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
If you’re interested in learning about what Inter-City believes as a church, or if you’d like to become a member of our church, plan to attend our next Newcomers’ Class.
Taking the class does not obligate you to become a church member. Before taking the class, we’d like to have you read our By-Laws, Statement of Faith, and complete the Pre-Membership Questionnaire below.
What are your services like?
God’s Word is at the center of our worship time. God-honoring congregational singing is an essential part of our worship to God, and singing together as a church body is the foundation of our approach to music. We sing a combination of old and new songs in a fresh, but conservative style and work to ensure that each one is accurate, accessible, and appropriate. Each service includes a time of prayer and giving. The sermons are built on God’s Word, not the pastor’s ideas, and aim at transforming our lives to be more like Jesus Christ. The morning service typically lasts about one hour and thirty minutes, and the evening service typically lasts about one hour and fifteen minutes.
What should I wear?
We are more concerned about you and your presence with us than we are with what you wear. As a church, we gather to worship the Lord and want to dress in a way that honors God. Most of our members wear something in the range of business formal to business casual.
Where should I go when I enter the building?
We have greeters located at the doors who would be happy to help you find where you need to go. You can also go to the information center located in the center of the atrium at the front of the church to get assistance.
Do you provide childcare?
Clean, well-staffed nurseries for infants and toddlers are provided during all church services. Sunday School classes are held for each grade at 9:30 am Children in K-5 may attend Kindergarten church; children in 1st-3rd grade may attend Primary church; and children in 4th-6th grade may attend Junior church during the 10:30 am service. Children in those age groups join the adults for the evening service. Our Children’s Ministries continue on Wednesday nights.